Professional health, Labor safety and Environmental protection

EFS forms the labor safety systems at the client entities, minimizes the probability of incidents, thus protecting the clients from contingent losses of time and finance. The service creates and develops the worthy, safe and attractive environment at the organization. As a result, the client company is positioned as responsible employer. 
Compliance with labor safety, professional healthcare and environment protection standards is the necessary condition for contemporary services and operation at international level.
EFS services ensure absolute compliance with the state regulations and legal requirements, with due regard of business and public interests,
The service mitigates the incidents that could negatively impact the client’s activities and cause financial or hardly recoverable reputational damages.
EFS team provides highly qualified services to the representatives of different sectors, with individual approaches and regarding business requirements.

The service includes the following activities:
  • Periodical monitoring of the personnel learning abilities at work places;
  • Inspection and audit, identification, documenting of incompliances and providing recommendations for preventive measures. Setting terms for improvement of incompliances, situation re-auditing and reporting. Control of the incompliances improvement process;
  • Incidents investigation and reporting; 
  • Designing of the corrective and preventive measures and their implementation monitoring;
  • Development of the professional healthcare, environment protection and labor safety documentation, regarding the client’s activities;
  • Auditing of the first and second party audits, company preparing for the third party audit;